Gentoo is quite an interesting beast to get configured exactly how you want, there are a lot of variables to take into account as everything after the base system is installed is up to you to figure out. You start from a terminal and end up wherever you wish to go, learning a bit about everything as you go along and making it the way you want it to be. It certainly is not for the the impatient, it takes try or two and a couple days even to get it from a stage3 to a completed system.
To add Shutdown and Reboot options to your GRUB menu, you can do the following. This is nice do you don’t need to Ctrl + Alt + Del to reboot, or press your power button shutdown!
This guide also will also apply to FreeNAS Jails. The end result is a headless Deluge torrent server running on FreeBSD or in a jail. It will be able to be used via the built in web interface, or self-hosted services like Sonarr can tie into it by the API.